Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Low Light photographs

As a photographer I constantly have the blessing to work with marvelous people, ALWAYS! and yesterday (January 13th 2014) was no different (As an aside note, I've come to realize that once in a while, when I work with a difficult customer, is because is me who don't see the qualities I like to see, or just because we are not communicating as good as we should, and therefore I don't see those qualities right away in them, but without a doubt, they ALL are great!).
Anyways, yesterday, as I just finished from working with a customer and leaving their house, I've got to see an spectacular view of the mountains as the sun set in the horizon. and the lights of the city below getting on.
These are some of the photographs I took yesterday night. I don't think is needed to say the cold of the night, the fast drop of temperature, me being tired or any of the side effects of night winter photography, BUT I truly had the relaxation I needed after a long day of work.

Please comment if you like or agree or disagree with me in anything I had say. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog.

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