Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Photos I took lately

My personal life and my life as a professional photographer moves, in the first place, around my beautiful family and church-related activities; then, in the "third place", around what I do to get all my photographs done... It's interesting to note that my job, even has the third placement in my "list of priorities" and it is not my main and fore-most important activity in my life, it takes most of my time during each individual day.

Because most of my days are spent behind the cameras or in front of my computers (a decade and a half ago I spent my hours in the darkroom, as well) I am capable of study as I work, I am able to communicate with many people in divers parts of the world simultaneously (including people from my house, my town, my country, my continent and even abroad), I edit photographs, and create what I think are pieces of artistic photography, I meet many, many people and become friends with most of them for a lifetime.

Here are some photographs I took recently and post in my facebook site over the past weeks... at least most of them as I can recall.

Enjoy them!


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